Thursday, November 19, 2015


I seriously can't stop saying that - BOOK BOYFRIEND IS LIVE!!! - maybe because it's totally true!  Maybe be it's awesome news!! Maybe because I just want to keep saying it because I'm excited.  :)

If you've been following me on facebook or have signed up for my newsletter, you know today is exciting for a number of reasons.  First and foremost - BOOK BOYFRIEND IS LIVE!!!  Told you I was going to keep saying it :)

It's also officially ten years since my first date with the hubby!  I can't believe I've known him/been with him a decade!  And I've loved EVERY second of my time with him!  And yes, I totally picked today as the release day because of that reason.  I try to pick "special" days for events.  My cover reveal day was my grandmother's birthday.

There's much more going on today, but I just can't stay away from Book Boyfriend!

If you haven't bought it yet, what are you waiting for?!?!

Here are the links:

Here is the Goodreads link just in case too.

And last but not least, there is a book trailer!


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